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Zoanthid Eating Spider (Sea Spider)
Last updated on November 17th, 2023

About Zoanthid Eating Spider (Sea Spider)
Zoanthid Eating Spiders, also called Sea Spiders, are small, spider-like creatures that are often found on or near corals or anemones they are eating.

How to Prevent Zoanthid Eating Spiders
Like most pests, the best way to prevent zoanthid eating spiders is to dip corals and anemones in
How to Get Rid of Zoanthid Eating Spiders
Zoanthid Eating Spiders, as well as their eggs, can be removed manually using a turkey baster to suck them out and
dispose of them. Coral dips such
as Coral RX Coral Dip and/or
What Eats Zoanthid Eating Spiders
The Six Line Wrasse and Melanurus Wrasse are favorites for a wide range of pests, and are known to eat zoanthid eating spiders as well. Additionally, the Coris Wrasse and Butterfly Fish have been said to eat zoanthid eating spiders.
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