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Best ICP Test for Reef Tanks

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Last updated on February 9th, 2024


Best ICP Test for Reef Tanks

Best ICP Test for Reef Tanks

Though many reef tank parameters can be measured with home test kits, many minor and trace elements such as Iodine, Iron, Molybdenum, Vanadium, Nickel, Cobalt, Zinc, Manganese, and Selenium either don't have test kits available or the cost doesn't make sense as you only need to test the parameter a few times per year. Even for the parameters that have test kits available, how do you know if your test kits are accurate? This is where an occasional ICP test kit comes in!

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How Do ICP Tests Work?

ICP tests are where you purchase a test kit that includes a few vials or containers for aquarium water. You will then send these water samples to a lab that will use high accuracy measuring equipment to determine the concentration of a number of parameters you would not be able to measure other ways.

An ICP, or Inductively Coupled Plasma, Spectroscopy test is then conducted in the lab by ionizing each element using extremely high temperature plasma, generally argon. After ionizing, the samples are analyzed with either Mass Spectroscopy Analysis or Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. Hopefully this high level understanding is enough to understand why this needs to be done in a lab, because that's about all I know. And I can't say I fully understand it.

How Often Should you Get a Reef Tank ICP Test?

Ideally, you should get a Reef Tank ICP Test at least twice per year, roughly every 6 months. This lets you know where everything in your tank is, and allows you to keep your parameters in check. If you are able, it would be better to test every 3 or 4 months. Then you will be able to make corrections to your reef tank more frequently, making a more stable environment for your fish and coral.

Best ICP Test for Reef Tanks

From the research I've done, there are 5 tests that I would consider the Best ICP Test for Reef Tanks. They all have their own benefits, and most are quite similar in the end. But there are some that really stand out for their own reason. Here are the tests we will cover.

ATI Labs ICP Test

ATI currently tests 42 aquarium parameters. This includes Salinity, Alkalinity, Nitrate, and 39 individual elements! ATI Labs will also conduct a test on your RO water being used in your reef tank for a better understanding of the big picture.

ATI Labs ICP Test Parameters

  1. salinity
  2. alkalinity
  3. nitrate
  4. chloride
  5. sodium
  6. sulphur
  7. magnesium
  8. calcium
  9. potassium
  10. bromine
  11. strontium
  12. boron
  13. fluoride
  14. aluminum
  15. antimony
  16. arsenic
  17. barium
  18. beryllium
  19. bismuth
  20. cadmium
  21. chromium
  22. cobalt
  23. copper
  24. iron
  25. iodine
  26. lead
  27. lanthanum
  28. lithium
  29. manganese
  30. mercury
  31. molybdenum
  32. nickel
  33. phosphorus
  34. selenium
  35. silicon
  36. silver
  37. thallium
  38. tin
  39. titanium
  40. tungsten
  41. vanadium
  42. zinc

ATI will provide the results of the test online, and recommend products that they offer to help correct the parameters accordingly.

Get Your ATI ICP Test

Triton Labs ICP Test

Triton lab is one of the most popular ICP test kits known. Triton uses ICP-OES technology and has a facility in California, making turnaround time in the USA MUCH quicker. Roughly 1 week! Currently Triton is testing 45 reef tank parameters, 42 of which are individual elements.

Triton Labs ICP Test Parameters

  1. Salinity
  2. Phosphorus
  3. Phosphate (PO4)
  4. Boron
  5. Bromine
  6. Calcium
  7. Fluoride
  8. Chloride
  9. Potassium
  10. Magnesium
  11. Sodium
  12. Sulfur
  13. Strontium
  14. Aluminum
  15. Antimony
  16. Arsenic
  17. Bismuth
  18. Cadmium
  19. Caesium
  20. Copper
  21. Gallium
  22. Indium
  23. Lanthanum
  24. Lead
  25. Mercury
  26. Scandium
  27. Selenium
  28. Silver
  29. Tellurium
  30. Tin
  31. Titanium
  32. Tungsten
  33. Barium
  34. Beryllium
  35. Chromium
  36. Cobalt
  37. Iodine
  38. Iron
  39. Lithium
  40. Manganese
  41. Molybdenum
  42. Nickel
  43. Silicon
  44. Vanadium
  45. Zinc

Triton Labs will provide the results of the test online, and recommend products that they offer to help correct the parameters accordingly.

Get Your Triton ICP Test

ICP-Analysis Water Analysis

With 56 individual parameters tested, ICP-Analysis provides the largest amount of information about what elements are in your reef tank! They are the only ICP test mentioned that use ICP Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) technology, giving greater accuracy. They have a fast turnaround time, about a week. One thing to remember is that while there are more elements tested, it's important to know if there is anything you can do to raise or lower these elements, or if it is more information than you can use.

  1. Chlorine/Chloride
  2. Sodium
  3. Magnesium
  4. Sulphur
  5. Calcium
  6. Potassium
  7. Bromine
  8. Strontium
  9. Boron
  10. Phosphorus
  11. Barium
  12. Beryllium
  13. Chromium
  14. Cobalt
  15. Iodine
  16. Iron
  17. Lithium
  18. Manganese
  19. Molybdenum
  20. Nickel
  21. Silicon
  22. Vanadium
  23. Zinc
  24. Aluminium
  25. Antimony
  26. Arsenic
  27. Cadmium
  28. Cesium (Caesium)
  29. Copper
  30. Gallium
  31. Lanthanum
  32. Lead
  33. Selenium
  34. Silver
  35. Tellurium
  36. Tin
  37. Titanium
  38. Cerium
  39. Dysprosium
  40. Erbium
  41. Europium
  42. Gold
  43. Holmium
  44. Iridium
  45. Niobium
  46. Osmium
  47. Platinum
  48. Palladium
  49. Rhenium
  50. Rubidium
  51. Ruthenium
  52. Samarium
  53. Tantalum
  54. Thorium
  55. Uranium
  56. Zirconium

ICP-Analysis will provide the results of the ICP test online, however they do not offer the range of products that the other two offer in terms of recommendations.

Get Your ICP-Analysis Test

Reef Labs ICP Test

I'll be honest, Reef Labs, or reef*labs, is a newer kid on the block for ICP tests. They are far less commercial and a little harder to get ahold of. That doesn't mean they're not great though! This may be a newer option, but it has already mad the list of top ICP test! They use ICP-OES and are in the US, meaning turnaround time is roughly only a week! This is a great contender in the ICP race! With 39 Parameters tested, this ICP test is one of the best.

Reef Labs ICP Test Parameters

  1. Chlorine/Chloride
  2. Sodium
  3. Magnesium
  4. Sulphur
  5. Calcium
  6. Potassium
  7. Bromine
  8. Strontium
  9. Boron
  10. Phosphorus
  11. Barium
  12. Beryllium
  13. Chromium
  14. Cobalt
  15. Iodine
  16. Iron
  17. Lithium
  18. Manganese
  19. Molybdenum
  20. Nickel
  21. Silicon
  22. Vanadium
  23. Zinc
  24. Aluminium
  25. Antimony
  26. Arsenic
  27. Bismuth
  28. Cadmium
  29. Cesium (Caesium)
  30. Copper
  31. Gallium
  32. Indium
  33. Lead
  34. Selenium
  35. Silver
  36. Titanium
  37. Rubidium
  38. Thallium
  39. Uranium

Reef Labs ICP will provide the results of the test online, and recommend products that they offer to help correct the parameters accordingly.

Get Your Reef Labs ICP Test

Fauna Marin ICP Test

I will start by saying I just recently found out that Fauna Marin had an ICP Test available! I'm impressed off the bat seeing that they also test non-standard parameters important to reef aquarist. This includes Salinity, Nitrate, and Phosphate! The only other test to check all of these is ATI. Fauna Marin's ICP also tests some interesting parameters such as odor, color, and CO2 to name a few. This is in addition to the over 40 other parameters measured!

Fauna Marin ICP Test Parameters

  1. Salinity
  2. Chlorine/Chloride
  3. Sodium
  4. Magnesium
  5. Sulphate
  6. Sulphur
  7. Calcium
  8. Potassium
  9. Bromine
  10. Strontium
  11. Boron
  12. Florine/Floride
  13. Nitrate
  14. Phosphate
  15. Phosphorus
  16. Barium
  17. Beryllium
  18. Chromium
  19. Cobalt
  20. Iodine
  21. Iron
  22. Lithium
  23. Manganese
  24. Molybdenum
  25. Nickel
  26. Silicon
  27. Vanadium
  28. Zinc
  29. Aluminium
  30. Antimony
  31. Arsenic
  32. Cadmium
  33. Copper
  34. Lanthanum
  35. Mercury
  36. Scandium
  37. Selenium
  38. Silver
  39. Tin
  40. Titanium
  41. Tungsten
  42. Zirconium

Fauna Marin ICP will provide the results of the test online, and recommend products that they offer to help correct the parameters accordingly.

Get Your Fauna Marin ICP Test

Comparison Of Parameters Tested

Likely what you're here for, here is a comparison chart to help you decide what is the best ICP test for your saltwater aquarium!

Best ICP Test for Reef Tanks - Comparison of Testing Parameters

Let's hear some thoughts from the experts!

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Hopefully this article provided you with the insight needed to choose one of the Best ICP Test for Reef Tanks, and start your journey in advanced reef testing. If this article was helpful, please share it with others!

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About the Author

Reef Stable Founder John Krenzer

John is a Software Engineer with a passion for saltwater aquariums, as well as the founder and president of Reef Stable. He started in the aquarium hobby as a child with a 20 gallon freshwater aquarium. His interest in aquarium life grew and in 2008, John set up his first saltwater aquarium.

Today, John maintains an over 300 gallon reef tank system, consisting of a 120g reef and a 210g reef. These large tanks are contained within the same system, sharing a sump as a means to reduce total maintenance and increase total water volume.

John writes articles for the blog as a means to learn about more reef aquarium topics. These articles act as a reference for the readers as well as himself. John updates these articles frequently to provide additional information or make corrections as new information becomes available.

If you would like to request an article, tank tour article, or to collaborate, let me know via the Contact Me Page!

About Reef Stable

Reef Stable was initially founded in 2019 as a reef tank parameter log to fill a need. Reef Stable quickly grew, becoming a location to solve all of your reef tank problems as well as a place to learn.

Reef Stable now provides a Reef Blog, Reef Aquarium Guides, Coral Care Guides, Identification and Solutions for Pests and Algae, and Reef Dosing Calculators, in addition to the original Reef Parameter Log.

Reef Stable continues to grow, striving to provide a single location for all your reef tank needs!

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