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Green Turf Algae
Last updated on November 17th, 2023

About Green Turf Algae
Green turf algae is a dense algae that looks very similar to Green Hair Algae. Green Turf Algae grows directly on the rock and is very difficult to remove.
It is generally packed more densely and its strands are wider than

What Causes Green Turf Algae
Much like green hair algae, green turf algae grows due to the presence of nitrates and phosphates allowing it to spread.
How to Get Rid of Green Turf Algae
This algae is very difficult to remove. Some people have had luck pushing down on the algae while rubbing it back to detach the roots from the rock. The chances of this working are very low, however, when possible, this is the easiest way to remove the turf algae from your reef tank.
Another treatment you can try is to use Vibrant Aquarium Cleaner. Vibrant contains bacteria that can help reduce nutrients in your reef tank and is said to help fight green turf algae.
If this doesn't work, you will unfortunately need to remove the rock to treat the green turf algae outside of the reef tank. Some people have tried to use algaecides, however, I would advise against using chemicals that you would not want leeching into your aquarium. You may consider puting these rocks in their own quarantine tank, and treat with Vibrant and Fluconazole. Additionally, you will want the tank to be completely blacked out. Generally by placing a box over the entire tank. Doing this for a week or two may help kill the green turf algae.
Personally, when fighting turf algae, I found that the level of difficulty in treating it was much more than I wanted to combat. I was also not a fan of the aquascape I had in that tank. So I took this opportunity to simply replace the rock and create a new aquascape.
What Eats Green Turf Algae
Because of how dense green turf algae is, there are very few creatures that are able to eat it. In fact the only common reef tank animals t=with enough cutting power to eat this algae seem to be emerald crabs and urchins. Though they can eat green turf algae, it is not very likely. However it may be worth trying before putting in the effort required to treat otherwise.
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